What you need to know about back pain medications
If you are one of the millions of Americans that suffers from back pain, you’ve likely been prescribed medications to help with the pain. Physiatrist Dr. Ai Mukai covers what you need to know about common back pain medications and the potential drug interactions on SpineUniverse.
If a patient has tried home remedies and over-the-counter medications, back pain medication can be helpful.
“Typically, prescription medication is used if the patient is in severe pain that has not responded to over-the-counter medications,” she says. “Acute inflammation responds pretty quickly to medications and sometimes ‘nipping it in the bud’ is easier than trying to control it once it’s really flared up.”
What medication is prescribed for back pain?
Some commonly prescribed medications for back pain include muscle relaxers, antidepressant, pain medications and antiseizure medications.
Dr. Mukai stresses it’s important to acknowledge that all medications, including over-the-counter medicines and supplements, have side effects and can impact your kidney, liver, and stomach.
“The less, the better when it comes to medications,” she shares. “Being up front about what medications you are on helps us physicians make the best decisions for you. I have had times where I couldn’t safely prescribe any medications because the patient didn’t bring their medication list. Also, let the doctor know if you have tried prescription medications in the past and whether they worked or caused side effects. How people react to medications is very variable, and we think probably has something to do with genetics, so it’s helpful to know if you tend to be sensitive to medications.”
To learn more about back pain and drug interactions, read the entire SpineUniverse article here.
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