Post provided by The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
- In 45 percent of shoulder joint instability injuries, young athletes lost more than 10 days from sport.
- Young male athletes are at greatest risk of shoulder joint instability injuries and recurrences.
- In one study, the rate of athletes reinjuring their shoulder was higher in patients younger than 23 years of age.
- Young athletes between the ages of 15 to 20 years of age who were treated nonsurgically had an injury recurrence rate of 87 percent.
- Arthritis of the shoulder occurred in up to 40 percent of athletes with recurring shoulder instability injuries.
Symptoms of shoulder joint dislocation include: pain, often severe; instability and weakness in the shoulder area; inability to move the shoulder; swelling; bruising; abnormal contouring of the shoulder; and numbness and tingling around the shoulder or in the arm or fingers.
Nonsurgical management includes:
- Brief shoulder immobilization and early rehabilitation.
- Motion-restricting braces or sleeves that prevent extreme overhead motion may be helpful in preventing recurring injuries among nonthrowing athletes, but can potentially limit function and level of play.
- Although rehabilitation may help some athletes return to sport within three weeks after an initial injury, there is a greater risk of shoulder joint instability recurring with early return to sport.
Surgical management includes:
- Recurrent shoulder joint instability or an inability to safely perform sport-specific drills despite rehabilitation, activity modification, or bracing are indications that surgical management options need to be considered.
- Early surgical stabilization removes the athlete from the competitive season and typically with unrestricted return to sport in six to nine months.
- Athletes with bone loss, recurrent instability, an instability event that occurs at the end of the season, or an inability to perform sport-specific drills are candidates for surgical stabilization.
Minimize the chances of shoulder dislocation:
- Strength- the shoulder relies on strong tendons and muscles to keep it stable. Keeping these muscles strong can relieve shoulder pain and prevent further injury.
- Flexibility- stretching the shoulder muscles is important for restoring range of motion and preventing injury. Gently stretching after strenghening exercises can help reduce muslce soreness and keep muscles long and flexible.